October Recap: Side Business, Money and Car Accident

Oh boy oh boy… I can’t believe time flew by so quickly.

I have neglected blogging the past month as I was overwhelmed with all the work I was doing for last month’s charity event.  I am happy to say that the turnout was successful and now that it’s over, I am super relieved!

Current Networth: +0.23%

TFSA Mutual Funds: +0.45%

RRSP: +1.68% Continue reading

TD Direct Investing Account Recap


Last week, I talked about my first investment encounter.  I finally switched my TFSA mutual funds account into a TFSA Direct Investing Account.

This past weekend, I met with the TD bank again to show me how to use my TD Direct Investing Account.   I also wanted to ask to see if I can set my account to purchase TD e-series mutual funds.  Continue reading

September Review: What I Ate, Watched & Bought

Goals Review

I have incorporated my inheritance into my networth this month, so I’ll calculate how much my net worth increase next month.  Since I haven’t made any changes to my TFSA mutual funds and RRSP yet this month, here is how it did.

Current Net Worth: $376,137.69 (includes approx. value of property + pension)

TFSA Mutual Funds: -1.12%

RRSP: -1.17%

Though I set some simple goals in September, I pretty much failed all of them.  One positive thing I managed to accomplish is to start teaching piano again.   One is better then none, no?

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October 2014 Plans & Goals


October will be a gong show for me.  I am one of the sponsors and the coordinator for an upcoming charity event and it’s taking A LOT of my time.   Believe it or not, I am looking forward to November already where I can just put my feet up and just RELAX.

With that being said, I can see that there will be a LOT of eating out expenses accrued this month because of all the meetings I will be attending after work and by the time I get home, it’s already 9 – 10 pm.    I am contemplating on packing BOTH my lunch AND my dinner so I can eat healthier AND save some money, so I think this will be a challenge for myself this month! 🙂 Continue reading